4-VA @ JMU
JMU seeks to advance 4-VA goals by enabling and supporting collaboration and innovation among faculty researchers, organizations, and businesses across the Commonwealth of Virginia. Annually, 4-VA @ JMU offers competitive research collaboration awards to develop and advance scholarly innovation towards implementation.
Originally established in 2015 to implement a section of 4-VA initiatives, JMU X-Labs now exists as an expanded pan-university facility and idea serving the university, community and external partners. X-Labs pushes the boundaries of traditional teaching and learning models. Its core values and practices lie in cross-disciplinary teaching and research collaborations responding to real-world challenges. X-Labs courses, research, and programs invite wicked problems, partner with industry professionals and community organizations, and provide cutting-edge learning environments to explore innovative solutions to these problems.

There have been few times in college where I consistently looked forward to every class, but I always felt motivated not to miss class since we learned so much every week.
JMU Contacts
Patrice Ludwig
JMU Campus Coordinator