Request For Proposals
Virginia Tech FY 2026 Collaborative Research request for proposals (RFPs) is now open. Submit a proposal by March 31, 2025.
Submit questions, concerns, or requests for more information about grant opportunities to the 4-VA Campus Coordinator, Catherine Amelink, at
Collaborative Research Grant RFP
Collaborative research grants are intended to improve research competitiveness within the commonwealth and at Virginia Tech by providing funding for faculty to engage in pilot research that could be used as a springboard for subsequent, major federal grants. Priority focus areas for each year are identified in the call for proposals in spring semester.
Complementary Fund Award
- Virginia Tech 4-VA provides a set amount annually for distribution as Complementary Fund awards up to $5,000 each. The amount allocated for these awards varies but usually allows for up to 10 awards annually.
- Virginia Tech faculty named as collaborators or co-PIs on a proposal funded at another 4-VA institution and seeking a Complementary Fund award must provide a copy of the proposal naming them as a Co-PI or collaborator along with a copy of the confirmation of funding from the PI’s institution to the Virginia Tech 4-VA Campus Coordinator. The proposal should outline the extent of involvement expected of the Virginia Tech faculty Co-PI or collaborator for consideration of the amount of the Complementary Fund award.
- Faculty writing proposals as a PI seeking Collaborative Research funding and including a Co-PI or collaborator at another 4-VA institution that does not provide Complementary Fund awards can consider including compensation as a consultant in the proposal submitted to Virginia Tech as long as the department managing any awarded funds approves and has a process through which external consultants are provided compensation.
Collaborative Endeavors Grant RFP
A limited amount of 4-VA funds at Virginia Tech are available to support special projects and efforts to explore feasibility of future projects in collaborative research and course design. These smaller awards are intended to promote and support faculty activity around state-wide initiatives and Virginia Tech’s priority focus areas. Collaborative Endeavors grants are not awarded for full-research projects, course/program redesign, or development projects but can provide valuable contributions or result in proposals for funding in either of these categories. Funding amounts vary according to the proposed project needs but are usually funded up to $5,000.
Course Redesign Grant RFP
Course Redesign grants support the redesign of courses, or specific course elements, in STEM subjects and other areas supporting the initiatives and priorities of 4-VA and the Commonwealth. Funding can be provided at the program level or for groups of courses that have a specific goal or goal(s) in common (e.g., four courses to create a certificate orcourses needed to complete fully online program development). Funding can also be provided for individual courses if there is clear alignment with the priorities indicated in the RFP.